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Hormonal dysfunction and PMT

Writer's picture: Kaime HoodKaime Hood

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

Hormonal imbalance with PMT symptoms can be challenging to live with each month, mood swings, sore breasts, bloating, headaches, period pain, weight fluctuations, acne, fatigue, depression, irritability, irregular periods, and heavy bleeding, are uncomfortable and often debilitating symptoms for many women causing a great deal of suffering, distress and a feeling of being out of control.

When our hormones are out of balance these unpleasant symptoms arise. Many women suffer through conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, oestrogen dominance and heavy bleeding. These issues indicate that there is a hormonal imbalance needing to be addressed. Oestrogen dominance and low progesterone are often the underlying cause of PMT symptoms and irregular periods, an imbalance of testosterone is often linked to PCOS and menopausal symptoms.

In many cases stress is often a contributing factor to hormone dysfunction and period issues. Genetics, diet and lifestyle factors also play a role in the development of hormonal imbalances.

Many women that have suffered from PMT later also struggle with menopausal issues. Getting your hormones in check before menopause will assist to lessen sever symptoms occurring during that time of hormonal changes.

Correcting diet and lifestyle factors and rebalancing gut issues are the first step in dealing with hormonal imbalances.

Sugar, fast foods, and alcohol consumption contribute to these imbalances and in some women addressing diet and incorporating more leafy greens and vegetables can assist to correct symptoms quickly. Managing stress levels is vitally important, in Chinese medicine stress causes liver Qi stagnation resulting in oestrogen dominance and PMT symptoms.

The decline of yin as we age needs to be nourished and supported, when out of balance and declining too quickly menopausal symptoms occur.

Adequate sleep is a key factor to managing stress and hormones, staying up late and irregular sleeping patterns can further disrupt the bodies natural balance and regulation mechanisms.

Things you can do to start correcting hormonal imbalances-

  • DIET- incorporate more veggies and leafy greens, minimise sugar and processed foods, cut down caffeine and alcohol consumption.

  • EXERCISE- regular exercise helps with the release of natural endorphins that promote health, welling and happiness, keep your body moving and flexible.

  • SLEEP- go to bed earlier, the quality of sleep is much better and more beneficial before midnight, try to stick to a regular sleeping pattern.

  • STRESS- mindfulness practises, yoga and mediation are useful tools in managing stress, making time for relaxation and nurturing relationships help us to unwind and de stress. Finding pastimes and hobbies that make you happy are an important part of balancing work and a busy schedule.

  • SUPPLEMENTS/ HERBS- Vitex or chaste tree is a herbal supplement we use alot to assist with PMS symptoms and regulating cycles, it is a great hormone modulator and often used with other western herbs according accompanying symptoms. B vitamins are important in regulating hormones, especially B6 and B12, magnesium can help with sleep and cramping and is great for PMS symptoms along with vitamin C to reduce inflammation> Zinc and vitamin E are also important hormonal modulators. Chinese herbal formulas are individually prescribed to suit individual signs and symptoms assisting greatly with hormonal balancing, stabilising moods and regulating cycles to stop period pain and heavy bleeding, promote normal menstrual flow and reduce symptoms associated with conditions such and PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Adenomyosis, PMDD and the transition into Menopause. Supplementation needs can vary for each person and need to be prescribed by a qualified health care professional.

  • ACUPUNCTURE- Regular treatment can assist you to get back on track and balance out hormonal disruptions. Acupuncture restores the body’s natural balance and calms the nervous system. It has been shown to provide great relief for PMT, hormonal balancing, regulating periods, reducing pain and heavy bleeding, and assisting with menopause.

For more information and to find out more about how Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can help you, don’t hesitate to contact me at Wildflower Chinese Medicine.





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